Friday, July 20, 2012

I joined my first blog hop(s) yesterday and it was such a great way to find some amazing bloggers out there! I am SOOO impressed with the way technology is linking teaches together to share ideas and knowledge!! So, I thought I would start a blog hop for people out there like myself who recently took the plunge and started blogging. We may need to help each other out a bit!  I hope you link up and tell everyone:

    1.  what state you are in
    2.  your current teaching position
    3.  your teaching experience
    4.  when you started blogging
    5.  share a blogging tip / blogging resource

1.  I'm in California
2.  I currently teach third grade...and lovin' it!
3.  I taught first grade for 14 years and just finished my second year of teaching third
4.  I just started blogging this July
5.  Experienced bloggers are extremely ANNOYED by the "leave a comment word verifiers"!  Turn them off!  You can learn how here:

1. I am in Texas
2. Currently teaching Special Education 5th and 6th grade Resource
3. This is my 6th year of teaching
4. Just started blogging in July of 2012
5. I am so sorry, I have no smarties here, still trying to learn.  Have used Ladybug teaching files and blog baby blog.


  1. Welcome. I am your newest follower. Come on over and visit my blog.

  2. I'm so glad you joined my first blog hop! Welcome to the world of blogging. I'm your newest follower. Teacher bloggers are so helpful and supportive. I'm new too and have had a blast!

    Grade Three is the Place for Me

  3. I am a follower from the hop! Best wishes on your new blog!
    TIPS: Teach, Inspire, and Prepare Students

  4. Hi Jana...isn't this Blog Hop a great idea? I am your newest follower and would love it if you stopped by my blog for a visit.
    Adventures In Teaching

  5. I am your newest follower from the hop! You taught me something new, I've never heard of Blog Baby Blog! Must google...

  6. Jana,
    I’m your newest follower! I am also a Newbie Blogger, so I appreciate all of the sharing of advice and ideas.
    Teaching Fabulous Firsties!

  7. Jana, I just found your blog through the blog hop! If you get a chance, come on over and check my blog out!

    Teaching In A Nutshell

  8. Hi, Jana. I'm your newest follower from the hop. Please stop by when you get a chance.
    iTeach 1:1
