Saturday, July 28, 2012

OH MY GOODNESS!  Thank you so much Corinna for giving me a blog award.  I feel so honored! Never did I dream I would be chosen!  So I am going to try and do this right, but if I don't hang with me until I get it right!

Teaching Fabulous Firsties! 
Thanks Corrina!

Here are the guidelines for the "One Lovely Blog Award."
1. Follow the person who gave you the award.
2. Link back to the person that gave you the award.
3. Pass the award on to 15 new bloggers.
Ok, click on Teaching Fabulous Firsties and it will take you to her fantastic blog.
I am having a hard time finding bloggers without this award so I will have to keep trying!  If you don't have it leave me a note and I will pass it on to you!  Thanks for everything!
Kristin @ Teaching in a Nutshell
Judy @Teaching Little Apples

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jana! Thanks so much for your award! I really appreciate it! :) Thanks for becoming my follower as well. I returned the love.

